Learn how to operate tractors with CCE & SG Tractors!

Learn how to operate tractors with CCE & SG Tractors!


LIBERTY, NY – Tractor Operation is one of the most important aspects of farm operation and ownership. To show resident farmers the basics of tractors and how to run them, Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County’s Beginner Farmer Program is working with SG Tractors to host a training on Tractor Operation. This workshop will take place from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Friday, September 13th at Stone Wall Farms in Jeffersonville, NY.

Participants will meet with and learn from SG, workshop educator from SG Tractors. Participants will learn from SG about the 4-stroke engine and how the parts of a tractor function, basic maintenance, safety, manuals, dashboards, symbols, levers, and how to operate a tractor. This will be an interactive workshop, with opportunities for questions throughout the day. This workshop will be held in an outdoor covered space. Participants are asked to dress for the weather and pack a lunch. Restrooms will be available for participants to use.

There is no fee, but pre-registration is required to participate. Participants can register online at sullivancce.org/events. Those with related questions can email Taylor Adam at beginnerfarmer@cornell.edu, or call 845-292-6180 ext. 130.

This program is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture award #2022-06508, through the American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program.


Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County provides equal program and employment opportunities. The public can contact the office to request accommodations.