IT Security Tip #9: Don’t take the bait: How you can spot a phish.

IT Security Tip #9: Don’t take the bait: How you can spot a phish.

“Phishing” is a tech industry term for a kind of cybercrime where people try to fool other people into sending them money or revealing personal information online. The name comes from the idea of fishing: scammers send a message that acts as bait, hoping to “hook” someone.

The good news is that you have the power to throw these phish back! Let’s take a minute and talk about spotting a phish:

1. Emails Demanding Urgent Action Emails threatening a negative consequence, or a loss of opportunity unless urgent action is taken, are often phishing emails. Attackers often use this approach to rush recipients into action before they have had the opportunity to study the email for potential flaws or inconsistencies. 2. Emails with Bad Grammar and Spelling Mistakes

Simple phishing emails are often poorly written. If the content of the e-mail doesn't line up with what you'd expect from the sender, beware! 3. Deceptive Links WITHOUT CLICKING, move your mouse over any of the links in an unexpected or suspicious e-mail. When you do, you should see the address where the link will actually take you which might not the one that is displayed.

Protect Yourself - Don't become phish food!

Not sure if the email you received is legit or not? Call Meeting Tree Computer at 845-237-2117 and ask us to take a look. We have technicians standing by to help.

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