Collaboration between Chambers of Commerce Creates A Valuable Resource to Increase Business Opportunities, Attract and Retain Talent…

Collaboration between Chambers of Commerce Creates A Valuable Resource to Increase Business Opportunities, Attract and Retain Talent…


Monticello, NY – February 10, 2023 - Strengthening a local workforce and attracting top talent to the region are the goals of a collaborative effort by the Sullivan and Delaware counties chambers of commerce.  The chambers' new diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging toolkit offers businesses, nonprofits, and government units practical steps, best practices, and resources needed to devise and implement a plan to improve workplace environments that will result in increased employee retention and recruitment.


"This toolkit is a valuable resource for all employers who are looking to incorporate these practices into their organizations, attract and retain talent, as well as increase business opportunities," said Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce President Jaime Schmeiser.


Each toolkit component contains a standardized, easy to follow format for defining the idea (the WHAT?), explaining the rationale behind its importance (the WHY?), how to implement the principles (the HOW?), and ways to measure the outcomes.


The ideas presented in the publication provide a starting point to help employers' efforts toward welcoming diversity in people and perspectives, equity in policy, practice, and position, inclusion through voice and organization structure, and belonging that center around employees feeling accepted in the workplace.


"Studies show DEIB efforts can increase sales revenue, increase customer base and ultimately increase profits. DEIB is not only the right thing to do, it also makes good business sense," said Delaware County Chamber President Ray Pucci. " We hope employers in Delaware and Sullivan counties will use this resource to improve every facet of their operations."


The chambers' Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Toolkit for Businesses is available as a download document through their websites at or